sunday School

Sunday School is the year-round opportunity for people of all ages to study God's Word and grow as followers of Jesus.

Our classes begin around 10 a.m. each Sunday morning. We have Sunday School classes for all ages.  Look below to learn about our current class offerings.

Children's MInistry

3 year old

Our Three Year Olds are not counted out of the fun of Sunday School just because of their age! These little ones will be diving into the fun and exciting stories throughout different books of the Bible with their sweet teachers!

They are located in the Nursery at the end of the hall of the Education Building.  

Pre-K, K5, and 1st grade

Every week our Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade class make their way through the Bible with hands-on activities to help them understand the stories and lessons that they will hear every week!

They are located in the Nursery at the end of the hall of the Education Building

2nd and 3rd grade

Taking a step up in our curriculum, these students will get to listen, learn, and appreciate the stories in the Bible in a real and hands-on way!

They are located in the Nursery at the end of the hall of the Education Building

4th and 5th grade 

This level cultivates conversation and discussion and encourages kids to ask questions and respond! The Older Kids series is perfect for helping cement in a strong spiritual foundation on which to build for years to come!!

They are located in the Hall of the Education Building on the left.  

Youth Ministries (MIddle and High School)

Sunday School for 6th to 12th grade  is in the Youth Center.  We are challenging our teens to learn more about Jesus and how to serve the Lord in every day life.  

The Youth Center is located across from the Sanctuary

AdulT Sunday School classes

The Brad Brady Class

The target group for this class is all adults whether single or married; or in school or in career. There is no established age range for this class.  They are currently using The Gospel Project curriculum.

This class is located in upstairs of the Education building

The Redeemers Class

This class has no age range but mainly consist of mid age adults with children. The class uses topical studies. 

This class is located upstairs in the Education Building.

The Discoverers Class

This class has no age range but mainly consist of mid age adults.  The class uses topical studies. 

This class is located upstairs in the Sanctuary.  

Contemporary Christians Class

This class has a varied age range of adults. The class studies various books written by contemporary authors.

This class is located upstairs in the Sanctuary, behind choir loft.

The Mission Outreach Class

This is a group of adults who are primarily parents to youth and college/career children. This class selects its own studies.

This class is located Upstairs in Educational Building next to the Sanctuary.

The Christadelphian Class

This class is comprised of baby boomers. The class uses the Adult Bible Studies series as well as other studies.

This class is located in the upstairs of the Education building.

The IHS Class

This is an older adult class, which uses the Adult Bible Studies series.

This class is located under the sanctuary.

The Pathfinders Class

This is a class of "seasoned" adults. This class uses the Adult Bible Study series. 

This class is located in the hall of the Education building on the right.

The Women's Bible Study Class

This class is for women of all ages. They watch a video Bible study and work slowly through it together.  

This class is located in the Conference Room of the Administrative building across from the Sanctuary.