Music ministry

Perry Methodist Church has a long tradition of excellent music in worship, and the numerous and varied groups which participate are an integral part of this tradition. "Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy." -- Psalm 33:3

The many gifted individuals and groups who are a part of our extensive music ministry richly enhance our worship experience. Through the glorious sounds of voices, instruments, and handbells, we celebrate the joyful bond between God and our community of faith. There is a place for you in the Perry Methodist Music Ministry! 

Please email me at for more information.



Dr. Jane Kimbrel

Director of Music Ministries/Organist

Music Staff

Dr. Carol Goff, Collaborative Pianist

Mrs. Tammara Shipes, Music Assistant

Georgia Spring Ring Concert

Dr. John A. Behnke, Clinician

Saturday, February 22, 2025

3:30 p.m. in the FLC
Perry Methodist Church, Perry, GA

The Sanctuary Bells will host a area handbell festival on Saturday, February 22. Handbell Choirs will join together for a day of learning and ringing together. You are invited to attend the closing concert at 3:30 in the

Family Life Center.

Distinguished composer

Dr. John A. Behnke will serve

as the clinician for the festival,

and will participate in worship on Sunday, February 23. Our choirs will sing and ring an anthem Dr. Behnke composed for our church in 2016.

Rehearsal schedule

Sanctuary Choir

6:45 PM -8:15 PM

Choir Room

JOY Choir (Older Adults)
Tuesdays, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Fellowship  Hall

Sanctuary Bells
Mondays, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Handbell Room

Children's Choir/TreeHouse Trades
Wednesdays, 4:30 - 6:00 PM

(ages 4 years-5th grade) 
Family Life Center

the sanctuary choir

The Sanctuary Choir offers excellent choral repertoire in a variety of styles to enhance the traditional worship experience. The musical expressions of worship through sung anthems and instrumental music helps worshipers experience the deeper dimensions of faith. The choir fosters a high degree of camaraderie, and provides a community of friendship and fellowship. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 6:45-8:15 pm in the Choir Room.

The Sanctuary Choir sings at both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am worship services.
Seasonal services accompanied by orchestra are presented throughout the liturgical year. 

Major works include: 

Gloria by Antonio Vivaldi

Mass in G by Franz Schubert

Messiah selections by G. F. Handel

Magnificat by John Rutter

The Many Moods of Christmas by Robert Shaw

The Snow Lay on the Ground by Julian Wachner

International Carols and Suites: Carols of Europe by Mark Hayes

Christmas Cantata: The Incarnation by K. Lee Scott

The Living Last Supper by Ruth Elaine Schram

What Sweeter Music by John Leavitt

All Good Gifts: A Ceremony of Song by John Leavitt

Rhapsody in Bluegrass: A Christmas Jubilee by Joseph Martin
Commissioned Anthem For I Know by John Behnke