Children's Department
Children's Department
Tree House trades
Kicks off on WEdnesday, February 5
from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the FLC
RUN, don't walk, to sign up for this session of Treehouse Trades themed "Run For Your Life," the rest of David's story! We start next Wednesday, February 5th, and can't wait to see all of the kids again! Tree House Trades is for grades 4k to 5th grade.
Click here to register.
Sunday mornings for Children
at Perry methodist :
classes for children are on the main floor of the education building
children are divided by ages: 3yo/ Pre-K, K, 1ST/ 2ND & 3RD/ 4TH & 5TH
11am-Childrens Church on the main floor of the education building for children age 4yo & potty- trained* through 1st grade
l.u.c.a.s. SPECIAL NEEDS ministry
LUCAS Ministry
Loving Unconditionally Children with Autism and Special Needs
Our LUCAS Ministry serves children and youth with special needs. We have a group of trained volunteers who serve during the Sunday school and 11:00 church hour on Sunday mornings so that parents and caregivers are able to worship while their children are in good hands.
We have 2 “soft rooms” that provide a safe place for play and lessons for children of all ages.
The LUCAS ministry form will equip us to be able to better serve your child. you can find it here. Please print it, complete it, and bring it with you the first time you attend.
The Perry Methodist Nursery is open to babies 6 weeks of age through children 4 years old.
Our nursery is open on Sunday mornings from 9am-12Noon and during most church events.
We have a staff of 4 ladies in our nursery who love children and are mothers or teachers themselves.
The nursery area is divided into an infant room and a toddler room,
but children are all checked in at the main entrance.
We do have a nursing room available if mothers need it.
What To Bring
When packing a diaper bag for your child, please include the following items:
1. Two or three disposable diapers. No cloth diapers, please.
2. Pacifier or other item, should your child need it for security.
3. A complete change of clothes in case your child would require that.
4. A bottle or sippy cup with lid of milk, formula, juice or water.
5. A snack, if you feel your child will need it. (only finger foods)