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Welcome!  We are glad you visiting with us! 

We know that visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating.  We hope that this information will help you feel a little more comfortable visiting Perry UMC.  Wherever you are on your faith journey, we welcome you with open hearts and open doors.  If you'd like to speak with someone before visiting, please feel free to call the office at 478-987-1852 or email us at!

What can we expect?

Our main parking lots are on Carroll Street (1002 Carroll Street) in front of and beside the Sanctuary.  We also have additional parking at our Family Life Center (1009 Main Street).   We have greeters in front of our Sanctuary to tell you where to go and to answer any questions you may have.  

We have two traditional worship services, one at 9:00 am and one at 11:00am.  We have Sunday School for all ages at 10 a.m.  If you need help finding a classroom suitable for you, just ask a greeter or email our church office here!    We also livestream on our Facebook and Website at 11:00 a.m. 

We have a nursery available at both services and during Sunday School.  Our nursery is located in the Fellowship Hall/Education Building next to the Sanctuary.  Our nursery has a great staff who has been Safe Sanctuaries trained, so you can feel safe leaving your children with these amazing people!  Please identify yourself as a visitor so that we may have you fill out an information sheet that will identify any allergies and/or special needs your child(ren) have.  We want to do all we need to do to keep our littlest ones safe and healthy!  

We know that we have a big campus so if you need help finding out where to go, ask us!  We are here to help you!

What Should I Wear?

The answer here is simple.  Come as you are.  You will find a variety of attire in worship at Perry UMC.  Some come dressed in jeans while others come in business casual or dressed.  We want you to be comfortable so come as you are!

If you want for a church representative to meet you in front of the Sanctuary to show you personally where to go, click here or call the church office at 478-987-1852!  We are here to help however we can!  You are welcome at our church!