The Blessing Box and Fridge

Help us fill our Blessing Box and Fridge! They are almost empty. Click here for a list of suggested items.  Please make sure to black out the bar codes on your items.  

Bring your donations to the office or place them directly in the Blessing Box or Fridge. We are helping feed the hungry in our community!

Help us, help others.

  • Local Community Assistance Program

    We have a community assistance program that serves the city of Perry on the second and the fourth Tuesday of each month (this is subject to change if there are conflicting events).  This program provides assistance with utilities, shelter, food and more to an individual or family once every six months.  

    If you are looking for assistance and live in Perry, please click here to see a list of  different resources available in Houston County.  

  • Brian Bowen snack sax

    This project provides 500 snack bags each weekend during the school year to children in K-3rd grade at Morningside and Tucker Elementary, who otherwise would have little to nothing to eat until they return to school on Monday.

    Volunteers purchase the food, package the sacks, and deliver the snack sacks each Friday to the schools. This ministry is funded primarily through designated gifts by individuals and groups inside and outside our church.

    For more information and to find out how you can be involved, contact Katie at

  • casseroles for hospice families

    Perry UMC provides casserole meals each month for distribution by our local hospice to families under their care. This is a tremendous blessing to so many families who are overwhelmed with care for a loved one as death nears.  We accept homemade or store-bought meals, just make sure to include a label on the package! 

    For more information, contact Kate Miller or the Church Office.  

  • family promise

    Family Promise of the Greater Houston County area is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help struggling families get back on their feet. They use a network of churches to house families for a week at a time, while the families are able to find jobs and save money. Our church is a host church with this organization, and we always need many volunteers during our host weeks.

    For more information, contact Katie Cawthon.

  • operation christmas child

    Each fall our church is heavily involved in Operation Christmas Child, which is part of Samaritan's Purse International. In 2016, we collected 496 shoe boxes filled with essentials and gifts for underprivileged children. These boxes were delivered to children in the Philippines, Angola, and two undisclosed locations (they are considered hard to reach areas spiritually, and were not disclosed for the protection of the missionaries in those places). Each child also receives a booklet, written in their home language, telling them about Jesus Christ.

    For more information, visit the Samaritan's Purse website.

    If you would like to find out how you can be involved, contact Kathy Cawthon.

Honduras Mission Trip 2023


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